Support From Buz

Buz Support Commitment

Buz Club Software is committed to providing the highest possible level of support to meet and exceed its customers' expectations.  Buz supports its customer through a system of remote access to the customers' computer systems. This facilitates prompt response and remediation of reported problems.

Service Availability

The Buz automated support system is available 365 days per year. Customers can expect support during their regular club operating hours.

Ticket System

Buz customers can launch trouble tickets from the Buz website. Tickets are logged in the system and simultaneously emailed to the entire Buz support team. Customers can expect response times commensurate with the nature of the problem reported.

Launch a trouble ticket

Telephone Support

Buz customers can report problems through the Buz voicemail system. Voicemail support requests are immediately emailed to the entire support team. As with the ticket system, customers can expect response times commensurate with the nature of the problem reported.



You can find all our documentation on our support site.

Online Documentation